Wednesday, January 30, 2008


OK, so it is 30 days into the new year and you've been on your diet. How's that workin' for ya? If you are not already seeing the dangers of , give it time, you will. This very low calories, low fat, low carb diet promotes Eating Disorders (EDs), muscle cramps, constipation, hair loss and many other symptoms. Maybe not in the first 30 days but stop the program and see how fast you gain. Most of us who tried this WOE didn't see the symptoms until 2-3 months AFTER stopping the diet. Trust me, unless you are living in denial of your symptoms (which many do while following the program), you will have them. Kimmer still promotes the use of lower calories, lower fat, almost no carbs and laxatives (behind the scenes) which many call the Plan Behind The Plan. Don't kid yourself just because you have been tweaking her diet and not seeing problems right now...give yourself time and remember, you are not alone. There are many out there who have been there and are willing to help. We've been there and done that. Please pay attention to your symptoms and get help now.


Anonymous said...

great post and reminder for all the new victims of before they become another page on Kimkins survivors

BamaGal said...

Fabulous, no holds barred post!!!

Great going Kat. Keep spreading the word.

OhYeahBabe said...

That the symptoms don't appear until months into the diet, or even after the diet has stopped, is dangerous because people don't connect the symptoms with the diet right away. If a doctor asks what they are eating, they'll say 'lean meats and vegetables'. The doctor will say that's great, not asking how much (or how little) the person is eating. So the symptoms go on, and the diet is overlooked as the culprit.

Great post. Thanks.
My blog: Kimorexia

Anonymous said...

How's it working for me? FANTASTIC!! 25 pounds lost, healthy, feel great, will continue this plan to goal!

Kat said...

Wow, 25 pounds, that's great. You obviously didn't read the paragraph correctly, nor, did you read OYB's comments. 25 Pounds puts you at what? A "month" on KK? (unless you are tweaking it and that would be longer). Please go through the webring and read the other blogs. Listen to your symptoms and do not deny them...they wll show their ugly head and I pray for your sake it isn't too late. Thanks you for commenting.

Anonymous said...

You are so happy to have lost weight through KK? They must have some magical Kool-Aid recipe on the site!!

I do hope you are the one lucky ones that don't get ill and need medical attention in the future. Losing weight fast is dangerous to your health and mind.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, that fast loss is addictive and really not healthy. I lost just as fast as you are, so I know - and I hope you are taking more than a multivitamin and some milk thistle because you will see the damage in a couple months from now. When you start losing your hair in the summer don't just shrug it off as a little shedding - it will go on longer than you expect. The damage done by the fast loss will rear its ugly head. Please, take the time to lose slowly and let your body and mind adjust!

Anonymous said...

Stop in and have a drink sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Kat, you are right on the money, honey! What those losing quickly on Kimkins don't realize is they're losing muscle and lots of water along with a little fat. By the time many realize what's happening to them, they've done real damage.

Thank you for continuing to speak out!

Kat said...

MM, thanks for the offer..I don't drink but you are in the neighborhood...never know...